Methi Dana which is also a spice that is derived from the plant Trigonella foenum-graecum. It is a member of the legume family. Methi Dana is roasted and ground for their hot sweet taste and aroma. They are roughly angular, small, brownish-yellow seeds. The taste remains somewhat bitter; however, when used in other spice mixtures, they pass on a delicious curry flavor to vegetable dishes. Adding a small quantity in a curry will surely bring wonderful taste and easy to digest as well.
Methi Dana not just makes the food appetizing or tastier but also gives a welcome heighten to common health without the negative side-effects. They have been commonly used to treat different kinds of conditions that started from the normal cough and cold, indigestion, inflammation, diabetes among others. Methi Dana is a quite simple and highly effective treatment for special skin troubles such as boils, gout, burns, abscesses, and eczema among others.
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