Whoever looked at the potato in the ground and decided to eat it, was a true visionary. Because if it wasn’t for him/ her, centuries later we wouldn’t have had the brilliant idea of making crispy potato chips! Tear open the pack of Bingo! Potato Chips Cream & Onion and relish these creamy flavoured potato chips. Bingo! Potato Chips are made from handpicked golden quality potatoes which are sliced so thinly that the chips are even lighter than air. These crispy potato chips are then enveloped with a rich layer of sour cream, seasoned with freshly diced and pickled spring onions. Experience a burst of sour-salty taste in your mouth and finger-licking good exotic flavours. Whether you’re bored while waiting for your phone to ring, watching your favourite game or burning the midnight oil to complete your presentation. They are just incomplete without a bag of Bingo! Potato Chips by your side. So, pop open the pack of Bingo! Potato Chips Cream & Onion and enjoy potato perfection with a rich exotic flavour with every crunchy bite. "
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