Up to 100% dandruff free.With a shot of tingly menthol for revitalising freshness.Leaves hair up to 100% dandruff free gentle enough for everyday use, even for color or chemically treated hair.Formulated with Head and Shoulders’ Fresh Scent Technology featuring enhanced fragrance notes for an improved in-shower scent experience up to 100% dandruff free.Visible flakes with regular use.
The best efforts are made to keep the accuracy of the information. Consider the point that the information shared in the description can be different from mentioned on the product packaging. It is advised not to solely rely on the information shown here. It is advised to the buyers to read out the labels, warnings, and directions given the packing of the product. Before, using the product you should make sure how to use it. For additional information related to the product, it is advised to make a call on the customer care number shared by the manufacturer on the packing of the product.