Dove Daily Shine Shampoo with Nutritive Serum builds a protective shield around the hair fibre and defends your hair from daily hair damage. It is a gentle hair cleanser that keeps your hair looking healthy and lustrous. It is mild on your scalp but gives protection from the aggression your hair faces every day. Its Nutritive Serum absorbs into the hair strands to keep them beautifully nourished and shiny, this Dove shampoo surrounds your hair with a protective shield, defending it from everyday stresses, like brushing and damage and not only is it gentle enough to use every day, over time Dove Daily Shine Shampoo makes your hair better. So, as well as cleansing from roots up, it helps make your hair look healthy, too. The result? Beautifully shiny, strong and silky hair which is everything you want it to be. Based on lab test with Dove Daily Shine System vs non-conditioning shampoo.
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