Free from any sort of impurities, Chana Dal is hygienically packed and free from weevils and stones. Some people call it Bengal Gram Dal and it is one of the most popular healthy eating stuff in India. Formed by removing the black outer layer of black chickpeas and then divided into two halves, Chana Dal is quite nutritious as well as the richest source of protein dietary. It also contains minerals which include copper and manganese among others.
Chana Dal works as a wonderful delight for a diabetic person as it has a low Glycemic Index and directly controls the increased sugar level in the human body. Moreover, it is low in fat and rich in fibers. There is no artificial flavor added and no preservatives are required. The packaging is designed in a way to maintain the goodness of dals. Shopping online will save your time and energy, as well as the product, gets delivered at your doorstep.
The information about the product shared by the seller on the website is exhaustive; it is advised to read the level for the physical product carefully for complete information shared by the manufacturer and Supplier. The information shared over here can be different from the information added in the product description. Before using the product, you should carefully read how to use or how to cook for better results. The feedback of a user can be different from others. So, you should maintain things according to your requirements. To find more information, please contact the manufacturer directly.